say did not hesitate for a moment. The proposal to accompany her future husband, the Canadian singer Michael Buble (33), on tour in Europe and the United States was a temptation hard to refuse. In just a blink of an eye, Luisana Lopilato (23) launched its most awaited vacation. Immediately communicated with Pol-ka to advance the recordings of the last chapters Someone soap opera and so I want to be free of commitments by November.
With passport in hand, actress drew his bags and sailed to its first destination, the Netherlands, the city where Bublé continued to present his latest album, Crazy Love. He joined the tour that began in Ireland, which continued at the prestigious Theatre Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthen Madrid and later in Lisbon.
However, the well-deserved break from the couple arrived with their return to Canada. The couple, who met in 2008 in a recital held in Buenos Aires Bublé, fled to Vancouver to enjoy few days in solitude. Besides the well-known coffee at Starbucks, the couple were spotted at the Park Royal Shopping Centre in Vancouver buying sheets and blankets for the winter. Dressed in black, with the detail of a red pin on their lapels Lopilato Bublé and were very in love with the curious eyes of the fans that just discovered the identity of the famous singer, came to get autographs. She took advantage of the anonymity of living abroad to take pictures for fans from her boyfriend.
Today, Luisana Lopilato is happier than ever. In early 2010, he proposed marriage Bublé giving as a gift a unique diamond ring designed by jeweler Minichiello. "It's love at first sight. It is a great woman. I'm happy with it, "confessed the singer.
time ago, Buble revealed in the popular Canadian television show Entertainment Tonight that the wedding plans could be realized in May of next year. For now, the couple hired a wedding planner and said yes to the Estancia Villa Maria for the party with two hundred guests. Even fantasized with the names of their future children: Bella and Edward, mythical characters in the Twilight vampire saga. Away for a while in Buenos Aires, the protagonist of someone who wants me to live your vacation plans with her boyfriend, al menos hasta fin de año. Mientras, el cantante continuará promocionando su disco en Estados Unidos, donde también tiene programado realizar shows en el Madison Square Garden de Nueva York y en los teatros de Chicago, Filadelfia y Washington. Luego de una breve estadía en Los Angeles, los enamorados celebrarán las fiestas de fin de año en Canadá, en compañía de sus familias.
Son muchos los proyectos que la actriz tiene en carpeta para 2011. Además de su futuro casamiento, Lopilato juega con la idea de, tal vez, sacar un disco. Al parecer, desde hace tiempo la joven artista viene grabando canciones para, en un futuro no muy lejano, armar un álbum.
Texto: Jacqueline Isola
Photos: Press Agency
Fonte: Hello