Saturday, April 23, 2005

Funny Perverted Ecards

Dream. Character in Search of an Author

I love Saturdays because, inter alia, of the time devoted to sleep to wake up after an hour or two and go back to sleep. This, besides being a treat for yourself to remind a lot better dreams, so get to enter reality as a virtual book on a shelf between the complete works of Cervantes. Dreams (the good, of course) are great because you see things from another perspective and also wonderful because you choose from the soundtrack to the characters and language, through the shades of color. Actually you do not choose consciously, of course, but that's even better because it is like going to the movies know that the movie you'll like insurance, the After you have made yourself. Also write to dream, why we love it although it is much more difficult given warnings of danger to oneself in this way, so that more should be asleep. In my dreams this morning to appear Nekane has become the character of my stories for at least ten years. Had long since I came, perhaps tired of being expelled from my life consistently and that their stories always end up being broken or burned paper, or documents in the recycle bin at least 5 different computers. But it always comes back because it goes Nekane up and it says that refuses to be on vacation in any of their favorite destinations and very happy to be on the beach taking a mojito after another when we are in the most revolutionary revolutionary era (forgive redundancy) of history. Not only does not want to miss it for anything in the world if you want a role that is. I do not know because it has been so dramatic does not know how easy it is what I asked. I have already warned that henceforth no tears unless you have medical proof (Nekane was very tearful, especially when they had a farm in Africa), no more melodrama. Also be easily irritated, but that in the background and also I like him passes away. One of the last times was like a basilisk because Queen Amidala was a soft and stupid. I explained that this has nothing to do with me and told me that yes, I should have written this story and she be the Queen Nekane Luke Skywalker and thus also would have taken a little more character. It is what it is, sometimes live a little unrealistic, but I like it. The truth is that it is a great aunt. Is a warrior, intelligent, hedonistic, educated, knows how to drive spacecraft, dominates the martial arts, plays electric guitar, speaks 5 languages \u200b\u200band has been the revolution in blood. Is perfect, the only trouble you have is not real, but to me that I do not care. We'll try again.


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