this is the beta version of the site of the organizing committee of the national gathering of students of sociology 2008. it is composed of undergraduate students in sociology at the National University of Santiago del Estero.
note of the "Webmaster?: Please, if you think your site should be linked to this blog, send the address at the email mentioned above, with its title, whether put the link in the respective section. (Currently only put addresses and blogs alternativaindependiente sociology of Mar del Plata, which are those that had at hand.)
add a chatbox, so let us short messages between us, and that serves to announce anything, if you can not publish a post to that effect.
(free puteada avoid ...) on this site will tell ...
hope you like it as it is becoming the blog, and you know, any suggestions, complaints, whatever, publiquenla under "leave your message" or mail the blog.
future invitations to blog editors were sent on Tuesday 20 November. at 23:20 pm

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