Friday, May 6, 2005

Benefits Of A Turboprop Airplane

already back from my trip too short. Not that I have fulfilled my purpose but has been very good. Meeting with an old friend who graciously hosted me and to be, is like coming home for Christmas if it were painted as the ads. I have also met Max, a Colombian half Italian born in Venezuela, clean look and hospitality ocean. Among wines, coffee, salami sandwiches smeared with tomato, rides up and down the Catalan coast and memories of adolescence, several conclusions: we do not feel too out of nowhere and basically they feel that did not fit, or school or at the university, or in the work we've been looking to survive and with our roommates. But something is clear: do not need your acceptance and better option than we make, consciously or unconsciously, not to look and be sure that there are more of us who want to change this, no sects, no labels, no rejections, only an open mind and steps forward. And what better way to find these people that the Internet, with our magic boxes as boat sails, I refer to evidence .
More on my trip. My first time with Max and Harvey were not very nice, not for them (no further), but because it had an unexpected appointment to deliver documents and sign the contract for a new apartment rent, beautiful, centrally located and renovated after living in expensive flats in poor condition, with fellow heads who collect dolls. We were greeted by the owner of the apartment in question, in their study. An attractive guy with horn-rimmed glasses and a neatly trimmed beard informally. Minimalist decor with mahogany furniture, African art figures everywhere, guitar, plasma TV, designer sofas and Tachen book on the Sahara. All so cool that stomach churned a bit, especially when you put conditions on individual agency, asking all sorts of roles and the extortionate price for an apartment without even a fridge and washing machine, without the light employed, telling Max you have papers, right? and said do not worry that we are cleaning the block of Filipinos. Of course, after remarking: that awful, how are the rents, even in the Raval, is a disgrace. Goodbye, metete the floor where you fit.
What else? Several views from the car. The first windmills in Aragon, to become mad as Don Quixote watching, wonderful, and will download a photo. The second is hard to describe, total science fiction. Going to Sitges, the curves of death, suddenly, turning, image of sleep, towers, tubes and cables metal giant ghostly light coming out of nowhere in the darkness of the mountain. I was speechless, the scene of Neal Stephenson. What about partial
Sitges? Many will understand when I say curious. I'm not sure how to explain it. A pretty town, become tacky resort for guiris repressed and gays. Restaurants and bars in sample plan where you can only listen to techno, salsa or English scurfy music, with a look completely outdated (albeit, with the price of Barna), which gives pretty bad roll, and vicious glances they give worse roll salidísimas Drinking and yet ridiculous at 7 €. Have I been too hard? I really do not know how it will be in summer or full festival, do not be wary of my impressions.
Enough, this is getting very long I'm tired after 6 hours by car, tomorrow is much to do and we super-changing for those who still have not finished landing.


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