Saturday, April 9, 2005

Perception Caspia Kyak


is amazing how the sun on Saturday and help you see the patio with more colors, you laugh until your shadow and people to look more beautiful. The press is busy with the burial, although you can find some interesting reflections on the reactions reactions, may be the never ending story. If against certain positions it is difficult that common sense prevails at this time is even more so. See if you spend some time and we can talk. I can only understand that a person who tells me not to be religious or believe in God, admiring the figure and work of John Paul II (or King), do it for ignorance, insanity, or the excellent public relations have, but enough. Speaking of the press, yesterday saved The Country of Temptation of his usual brief trip kiosk-bin in a corner because I read the headline Culture blogger. New disappointment, superficial, nothing interesting with the usual references and recommendations provided of course, with that tone modernillo editor makes me black. While it's okay to talk about the issue in a positive way, Google is fine if you're really looking for, compare and find something better or just different but you have to dive and dive a little, do not put a foot to see how the water is, and does not always work as more entries are, the ranking changes at times .... Until you see something like the CPB in an article on the blogosphere I will not stay at home. If the general idea about the possibilities of the Net is that bloggers are a bunch of egocentric and little else going wrong. The statement that there are many online garbage (as I said this article) or that everyone wants to offer and it can not be and tired. The first thing it does not matter at all and the latter is absurd, just that good, is the door to the future, the principle of true equality of opportunity that we all want to achieve, except those at the top and they fear losing their jobs for some reason, perhaps related to their lack of merit. It is much more complex and more interesting especially as reflected for example in such articles.
By the way, great page recommending Arnauh in his post yesterday.


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