Monday, April 18, 2005

Terecotta Colour Bedroom

All climate change is just

is just on weekends, good books , free time, hours of sleep ... and quiet, this false social calm crossed long ago by a tension cable to break, a world could be ahead if we are not careful and remove fragile objects from its path also expected to clash with something hard or into combustion. As you rightly said JL Prieto, the extreme right is very well distributed tasks, without even symmetrical relationships. Cause and give some ideas, others are running, other jalean and feed hatred on the Web and others argue the ideas in their posts as well as condemning the small mouth while approving satisfied without being noticed. Make no mistake, a group is quite a beast to break into a bookstore and Liars to coups against people who have not done anything is the little bit of brain that is so out of bleach, which does not give you to think for itself who , why or even where.
Certainly our inimitable , mustachioed president has to be this week getting out of his own bullet, on Thursday the Council of State meets with his presence for the first time and honorary life member, testified today González, Solchaga, etc. in the Provincial Court of Madrid by the issue of commissions for the AVE to Seville tomorrow presents the second part of his trilogy Portraits and profiles and also in the Commission of the M11 will be a video screening of the FAES, I do not know if there will welcome you like to Josemari.
José Luis, thanks for your post , brilliant.


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